Eric Jemera Nabuguzi
Eric Nabuguzi is a public health pharmacist with a passion for increasing access to pharmaceuticals in resource-limited settings and a strong bias in system strengthening, quantification and procurement planning as well as logistics management information systems. He has over 10 years’ progressive experience in supply chain management in the public and private sector, of which seven years have been at managerial level. He has supported malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB, cancer and reproductive, maternal and child health programs and other essential medicines and health supplies. He comes with a wealth of experience in forecasting and quantification, commodity security planning, logistics systems assessment, international procurement processes, project planning and management, training and capacity building at national as well as sub-national levels. He has provided short term and long term technical assistance working on assignments in Uganda, Kenya, Mali, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Thailand and Sudan. He has a Bachelor of Pharmacy and MBA in Healthcare Management from Makerere University.